I Hate Games Of Chance…

Phillip Caron
5 min readMay 6, 2020

With all my emotional posts lately I decided to chill. By chill I don’t mean chill, I mean rant. Let me come out and say:

“I hate games of chance.”

All games that are luck driven are strictly a waste of time after the age of six. Sorry, Chutes and Ladders, Trouble, and War are all on the list. I’m on a warpath against these games. Now, I do play these games on occasion. I have a four year old. These games serve their purpose to introduce young children to games. Children can learn basic rule structures socially and technically. There is nothing better to teach them about the unfairness of life. Having them lose at something that they had no control over anyway.

Beyond that they are useless.

Have you ever seen someone get excited when they beat you at one of these games? Pathetic. You won at a game… of pure chance. There wasn’t a shred of skill used in that victory. Can you even call it a victory? I could have played that game by myself. Your presence wasn’t even required for my loss.

Seems like a a good meme or gif. “Guy who loses to himself at games of chance.”

Let’s not use the word victory or even win for that matter.

Have you ever played the lotto? That feels great. Every time I’m a sucker and I buy a ticket my immediate thought is, “ I should…



Phillip Caron

Short stories are to explore my demons. Reflections are to explore my feelings, and philosophies are for my son just in case. langleytrinity@hotmail.com